Sunday, May 18, 2014

My summer is over...but I'm okay with it!

Hey!  I'm back.  You could say that I went on a little blogging hiatus but I'm here with lots of news for you!

First up...I made my first set of fonts and they are available for purchase in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. There are six fonts total for now.  I know the price seems high but I plan to add four more fonts before summer ends for a total of ten fonts.  Please enjoy!

Next and my most exciting piece of news...I got a job!  I will be teaching again in August!  This year off has been exactly what I needed for many reasons.  I have felt the desire to teach again very strongly but I only felt it after this certain teaching job was mentioned to me.  It feels like that first experience when I discovered I wanted to become a teacher (see here) so I am very excited!  I will be teaching a 1st/ 2nd combo at a charter school. I am nervous but I know I have some time to prepare for my new class. For the last four weeks I have been working as a teacher's aide at this school and have really gotten that inside look to see what this school is like. My short experience as an aide will definitely help me out at the end of the year next year! And now you know why my summer is over and understand my blog title!

Finally, since I left my teaching job in Tucson and thought I was leaving teaching for good I left all of my stuff for the new teacher!  Some of my things are with a good friend and she is going to give them back. I decided to go check out some yard sales yesterday to see if I could find anything for my new classroom.  Check out what I found!!!

 All of this (including the chair which I plan to paint :)) was $17.50! My husband says I hit the jackpot and I agree! I think I will go a few more times this summer to see what I can find! Here is another yard sale find from yesterday that is not teaching related:

This was a whopping $2! Isn't she gorgeous?!?

For many of you the end of the year drawing near and I pray you will have energy to get through it but also I hope you enjoy making memories with your class!  Apple on!
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