I will be going into my classroom next week! So while I am waiting and (somewhat) eagerly anticipating that event I have been organizing my electronic files. Which has turned out to more of a disaster than I had expected. Last year we began teaching common core and I just let my files go. I really didn't pay any attention as to where I put them or what I named them. I am surely paying the price now! Here's what I started with...
Now these are three standard jump drives...yes I have gone through three! I can guarantee you there are more hiding somewhere in a drawer that I have used. I use these little suckers EVERY SINGLE DAY for EVERYTHING. I have become very dependent on them and my relationship with my jump drives could be comparable to a parasite and host relationship...me being the parasite that is. I have one or all three of these jump drives in my purse at all times, even during the summer.
My loving husband understands my dependency so much (probably because he has seen my epic freakouts over lost materials) that he bought me a device that is MUCH more efficient and that I can store files to my heart's desire. I present to you my PHD (personal hard drive)!
This device is about 50 times more efficient than a jump drive. They cost about $60 to $80. While that may seem steep I believe it is worth it.
On to the organizing....
First I transferred all my files from my jump drive to my PHD. Then I have begun the long strenuous task of reorganizing my files according to the common core standards. I have also been renaming files so they are easily recognizable and they can live with each other in a folder. I hope to keep up on this throughout the school year. So I want to know....
How do you organize your electronic files? What devices do you use?
Thanks for reading! Keep calm and apple on!
So now you can just zip all those files and send me a copy of your fabulous and organized creations..... Just kidding....kind of.
I think I might need a PHD. I am horrible about saving things in other places and would die if something happened to my computer where are of my clip art is saved.
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Heather's Heart
Saw your comment on Lindsey's (The Teacher Wife). Yay for another mormon teacher :)
Tangled with Teaching
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