Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Anchor Charts and What to do with those OLD Scholastic Book Orders?!

Where have I been for over a week?!  These days have been FLYING by.  I can't believe it's already October and that parent/ teacher conferences (eek.) are in two weeks. We have been busy, busy in the classroom.  I was inspired by many a blog post to create more anchor charts/ posters for my students to refer to for all the different skills and subjects we are learning.  Here are some pictures!

 Our Math Tools and Addition Strategies

 The writing process...prewrite/ plan, draft, revise, edit, final/ publish, and present.  We have actions to go along with the charts :)  psssst...the fun actions make up for some UUUGGGGGLLLYY hand draw pictures (by yours truly).

Telling the differences between books that tell a story or books that give information...

Do you happen to have any of those Scholastic book orders lying around just dying to be used?  Well now is your chance to use them up!
Click here to see this product in my store!
Old Scholastic book orders are NOT included.  Go grab your extra orders and have your students cut them up!  My students loved getting to browse through the books while completing the activity and I also sent home another copy of this exact book order with them that day so they could beg ask their parents for a book!

I will be back later this week with a digraph powerpoint.  I made it through last week so there is a chance I'll make it through this one too!  Apple on!

1 comment :

Bethany J. said...

Book Orders! I love them... however, for some odd reason in my school mailbox today, I literally had a stack that I thought our parent/child magazines were in...NOPE Almost a full cubby of book orders (who knows why I have so many!!)