Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tell Me Something Good (Linky)

I'm linking up with Rowdy in First Grade to remind myself that there are blessings everywhere I look.  This school year started six weeks ago and boy has it been rough.  My to do lists are piling up and as soon as a finish a task and feel all accomplished I realize that I have more and more to do. It's time I looked around and realized that there are GOOD things happening too!

My something good from school:

My class is THE best.  All 27 of them.  They are the best class I've had so far! It's nice to go to work and have expectant little ones that WANT to be there and that LOVE to learn.

My something good from home:

My husband made dinner last night AND he gave the doggie a bath today.  What more could I ask for?  He is so helpful!

Apple on!

1 comment :

Jennifer said...

I would LOVE it if my hubby made dinner! But I would love it more if he would do the dishes! Thanks for linking up!
Rowdy in First Grade