Monday, October 22, 2012

Two Weeks and a Digraph Blending Power Point

The past two weeks have flown by and have been so busy.  At the beginning of those two weeks I got a "Hoover" of a kid in my room (refer to Heather's post here to see what I mean) and OH BOY is this kid a HOOVER!  Last week I had parent teacher conferences and I had to introduce a NEW report card to the parents.  It has been super stressful over here!  Tomorrow morning I have a formal observation and I am happy to say I am prepared!  I think my kiddos will do well and will show off how smart they are but I can't wait for this observation to be over!

I have finally finished the "Blending Words with Digraphs" power point.  Click on any of the screen shots below and it will take you to this product in my store! Here's how I use it in my classroom...

At the click of a button the sounds change colors from left to right and your students will blend as the colors change.  Then an arrow comes across for your students to say the whole word.  To introduce your students to a variety of words with digraphs I have included the digraphs at the beginning and at the end of the word (example below...ship...bash). Finally there are some sentences made with the same digraph words for your students to read.

Apple on!  Here's to tomorrow morning being over soon!!!

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